Gift Baskets

We have the perfect gift basket for your special occasion.

Our expert basket makers will custom design to your specifications or pick one of our gift basket selections listed below

Try our newest offerings, “Chocolate and Champagne” and “Pasta Galore” with the goodies nestled in a pretty red colander. We also make custom baskets where you choose the amount you want to spend and what you would like in the basket. Make a basket for new mom/baby, housewarming, or with all locally made goodies.


Call 216.344.0501 x 2
or stop in today!

For custom baskets please give us 24 hours minimum to create the basket for you.


Good Breakfast

$54.99 and up (create your own)

Includes a selection of yummy breakfast treats: jams, juices, coffee and tea, pancake and/or breakfast pastry mixes, and syrup.

Good Breakfast gift basket

Mediterranean Gifts

$49.99 and up (create your own)

Includes meats, cheeses, olive oils, crackers, and other special foods from the Mediterranean region.

Mediterranean Gifts gift basket from Constantino's Market

Tea & Coffee Time

$44.99 and up (create your own)

Includes a delicious and satisfying selection of coffees and teas, plus something to nibble on, too.

Chocolate and Champagne

$39.99 and up (create your own)

Includes a split of Moet & Chandon Champagne and romantic chocolate items.


Chocolate Delight

$39.99 and up (create your own)

Includes all things chocolate: candies, cookies and gourmet treats.

Chocolate Delight gift basket from Constantino's Market

Tour of Italy

$59.99 and up (create your own) (Add 2 Bottles of Wine sold at Retail)

Includes sauces, crackers, bruschetta, pastas, risotto, olive oils, cheeses, meats, and more from the land of “amore.”

Constantino's Market Tour of Italy gift basket

Pasta Galore

$ 39.99 and up

A variety of pastas and sauces nestled in a pretty red colander.